10th Biology New Guess for Exam 2024

Are you a 10th class student looking for biology guess papers and model papers? Look no further! In this blog post, we will provide you with information on where to find the latest biology slos based guess papers and model and papers for the years 2024. One of the best sources for finding biology best guess papers and model papers is www.ilmge.com  .

They offer a wide range of guess best papers and model papers for various subjects, including biology. You can visit their website and search for the 10th class biology guess papers for the desired year.

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Chapter 10 Gaseous Exchange important Question

  • Differentiate between breathing and cellular respiration.
  • What is meant by aerobic respiration?
  • Differentiate between glottis and epiglottis.
  • What is voice box? Where it is present?
  • What is trachea? Write the structure of Trachea.
  • What is plural membrane? Describe its role.
  • What are alveoli? Write their function.
  • Differentiate between acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis.
  • What is meant by inhalation and exhalation?
  • What is meant by bronchitis? Write its symptoms.
  • What is asthma? Write its symptoms and its causes.
  • What is meant by lung cancer? Write its signs.
  • What is nicotine? What are its dangerous effects?
  • How will you differentiate between a stoma and a lenticel?
  • What is emphysema? Write its symptoms.
  • What is double pneumonia? Write its causes.
  • Differentiate between inspiration and expiration.

long Question Chapter 1

  • How do gaseous exchange occur in plants? Explain.
  • Explain the air passageway in human respiratory system.
  • What is bronchitis? Describe its types and symptoms.
  • What is asthma and emphysema? Write its causes, symptoms and treatment.
  • Describe the bad effects of smoking.

Chapter 11 Homeostasis important Question

  • Differentiate between thermoregulation and Osmoregulation.
  • What is meant by homeostasis? Give an example.
  • Are guttation and dew synonyms?
  • Define hydrophytes, xerophytes and hatophytes with examples.
  • What is skin? Write its role in homeostasis.
  • Where are stomata found? Give their function.
  • Write names of the parts of the urinary system.
  • Define nephron and names its parts.
  • What is male of renal corpuscle? Write the names of parts of renal corpuscle.
  • What is meant by renal tubule?
  • What is kidney failure? State two major causes of kidney failure. How is it treated?
  • What is meant by kidney transplant? Write two problems associated with kidney transplant.
  • What is lithotripsy?
  • Define excretion. Why is excretion important?
  • Write the causes and symptoms of kidney stone


  • Describe the osmoregulatory function of kidney.
  • Describe the function of kidney. OR Describe the steps involved in formation of urine.
  • Write down the causes, symptoms and treatment of kidney failure. OR most imp What is meant by dialysis? Explain its two methods.
  • Explain kidney transplant.
  • Define homeostasis. How do the plants rem extra carbon dioxide, water and oxygen
  • Explain the structure of kidney
  • What is a nephron? Describe the structure of nephron and draw a label diagram

Chapter 12 Coordination and Control important Question

  • Define Coordination & its types.
  • What is male from stimuli? And explain it with an example.
  • What are receptors and effectors? Also give an example.
  • What are coordinators? Give an example.
  • What is meant by effectors? Give an example.
  • Define nerve. Name its types.
  • What is hypothalamus? Write down the functions of hypothalamus.
  • What is the difference between somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system?
  • Write two functions of oxytocin.
  • What is the nervous system of men? Explain in brief.
  • What is meant by neuron? Explain the difference between sensory nerves and motor nerves.
  • Define reflex action and reflex, arc.
  • Define endocrine system.
  • Name the parts of the inner ear.
  • Compare the functions of insulin and glucagon.
  • Define nerve impulse.
  • Differentiate between dendrites and axons.
  • What is midbrain? Give its function.
  • What is a Spinal Cord? State the two main functions of the spinal cord.


  • What is a neuron? Explain its structure and types.
  • Describe the structure & function of the human brain.
  • Explain the reflex action with examples.
  • Describe the structure of eye.
  • Explain the feedback mechanism.
  • Explain the structure of external, middle and internal ear.
  • Differentiate exoskeleton. Between endoskeleton and
  • What is meant by skeletal system? And describe its function.
  • Differentiate between cartilage and bone.
  • What is meant by motion and locomotion? Differentiate between them.
  • Differentiate between flexion and extension.
  • Differentiate between compact bone and spongy Bone.
  • Define bone and give its function.
  • Also give examples of axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton.
  • What are joints? Differentiate between ball-and- socket joints and hinge joints.
  • What are tendons? Give their function.
  • Differentiate between antagonists and antagonism.
  • What is Osteoporosis? Write two aspects of osteoporosis.
  • Write the causes and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. (taleemcity.com)
  • What do you know about gout?
  • What is arthritis? Name its types
  • Define cartilage. Explainvite
  • Define joint. Explain its types.
  • What is arthritis? Explain its types.
  • Explain antagonism in muscle action selecting biceps and triceps as example-taleemct
  • Describe the structure of bone.
  • Shot Questions
  • Define and give examples of sexual and asexual reproduction.
  • Define parthenogenesis and give an example.
  • Define parthenogenesis and give an example.
  • Write two disadvantages of vegetative propagation.
  • What do you know about tissue culture and cloning?
  • What is meant by alternation of generations?
  • Define pollination and name its types.
  • Define pollination. Differentiate between self- pollination and cross-pollinationemct
  • Define Germination and write two necessary conditions for germination of a seed.
  • Differentiate between internal fertilization and external fertilization.
  • Define oogenesis and spermatogenesis.
  • What is AIDS? Write the reasons for the spread of AIDS.
  • What is meant by dormancy? Explain its importance.
  • What is meant by binary fission? Give an example.
  • What is meant by multiple fission?
  • Write the difference between spore and endospore.
  • Long Questions
  • What is meant by vegetative propagation? Describe different ways of natural vegetative propagation.
  • Write the advantages and disadvantages of vegetative propagation.
  • Explain spermatogenesis and oogenesis.
  • Describe the male & female reproductive system of rabbit.
  • Explain seed germination. Write down the necessary conditions for seed guarantee.
  • Define genotype and phenotype.
  • What do you mean by dominant and recessive alleles?
  • Differentiate between gene and aftele enc
  • Differentiate between natural and artificial selection.
  • Describe Mendel’s law of segregation.
  • Describe Mendel’s law of independent assortment.
  • What is meant by monohybrid cross and dihybrid cross? Give an example.
  • Write the names of the nitrogenous bases of DNA,
  • Explain with examples in Codominance and Imperfect Dominance.
  • Name major sources of variations.
  • Differentiate between discontinuous variations. Continuous and
  • Differentiate between breeds and cutnyars.
  • Describe the theory of special creation.
  • What are nucleosomes and loci?
  • What is meant by “Punnett Square”?
  • Differentiate between transcription and translation.
  • Long
  • Define food chain and food web.
  • What is meant by ecological pyramid?
  • Define nitrogen fixation.
  • Differentiate denitrification. between nitrification and
  • Differentiate between ectoparasites and endoparasites.
  • Define commonalism and mutualism. Give an example.
  • What is meant by global warming? Write two effects of global warming.
  • What is acid rain and how is it formed?
  • Define ecosystem and biosphere.
  • What is meant by predation? Give an example.
  • Define bio-mass.
  • Define population and species.
  • What is eutrophication? Give its reason.
  • Differentiate between biotic and abiotic factors.
  • Differentiate between renewable and non renewable resources.
  • What are Herbivores and Omnivores
  • Define biotechnology.
  • What is genetic engineering? Write the names of some medicines prepared by it.
  • What is meant by fermentation? Name its two types.
  • Define fermentation with reference to biotechnology.
  • What is meant by alcoholic fermentation?
  • Write the use of fermentation in dairy products.
  • Define a fermenter. Write two advantages of using a fermenter.
  • What is meant by continuous fermentation?
  • Write achievements of genetic engineering.
  • What is meant by single cell protein? Give the importance of single cell protein.
  • How are microorganisms prepared the single cell protein?
  • Define glycolysis and name its one product.
  • What are transgenic organisms?
  • What is Thymosin hormone? Give its function.
  • Write two uses of ethanol.
  • Write down five objectives of genetic engineering.
  • Describe basic steps in genetic engineering.
  • Write down five achievements of genetic engineering.
  • Methods Define fermenter. Explain the of fermentation in fermenter.
  • Define fermentation. Explain its types and also write the uses of fermentation.
  • Define pharmacology and distinguish it from pharmacy.
  • Differentiate between medicinal drug and addictive drug
  • Differentiate between analgesic and antibiotic.
  • Differentiate between hallucinogens. Narcotics and
  • Name two drugs derived from animals minrals.
  • Define antibiotics.
  • Define vaccine and vaccination.
  • What is the difference between sedatives and narcotics?
  • What is meant by social stigma?
  • Describe the work of Joseph Lister.
  • Describe the achievement of Sir Alexander Flemming.
  • What are analgesics? Give an example.
  • Define synthetic drugs. Give an example.
  • Differentiate between bactericidal bacteriostatic antibiotics.
  • Differentiate between broad-spectrum and narrow-spectrum antibiotics.
  • Define vaccine. Explain the mode of action of vaccines.
  • What are antibiotics? Explain important antibiotics. groups of
  • Describe different sources of drugs
  • Write a note on antibiotic resistance. Resistance.
  • Explain drug addiction and associated problems.

Choose the correct answers

1: Stomata are present in

a) Endodermis.       b) Epidermis.     c) Xylem

2: Which gas is excreted during day time?

a) CO2.                     b) H2.                  c) N2

3: Keekar produces which substance

a) Latex.                   b) Mucilage.        c) Resins

4: Functional Unit of Kidney is

a) Nephron.              b) Neuron.          c) Glomerulus

5: Ribs which protect kidney are?

a) First 4.                   b) Last 2.             c) Middle

Q2: Answer the following questions( 3×5=15)

1: How skin produces cooling affec?

2: Differentiate between day time respiration and night time respiration?

3: Differentiate between thermoregulation and osmoregulation

4: What are lenticles ?

5: What are the causes of Pneumonia also write down the number of carcinogens present in cigarette smoke.

Q3: Write detailed answer.

Q: Write detailed note on human lung and draw the functional unit of kidney.

Choose the correct answer,

1: Spinal Nerves are also called,

a) Motor.                b) Sensory.             c) Mixed

2: Which hormone is released during emergency situation?

a) Adrenaline.        b) Calcitonin.         c) Insulin

3: The middle layer of the eye is,

a) Sclera.                 b) Choroid               c) Retina

4: Which of these carry impulses towards tje cell body?

a) Dendrites.            b) Axon.                   c) Mylein Sheath

5: Part of brain that is responsible for muscle movement, sensory information and memory is,

a) Cerbellum.            b) Medulla oblongata.  c) Pons

Q2: Answer the following questions

1: Draw the pattern for reflex arc.

2: Which activities are performed by Automonic nervous system.

3: Describe the pupil reflex in dim and bright light.

4: Write names of two glands released from thyroid .

5: Write down the functions performed by Mid brain.

Q3: Write a detailed answer.

1:Write a detailed note on structure and function of Human eye.

Choose the correct answer,

1: How many bones are present in both legs?

a) 4.                 b) 6.                    c) 8

2: Which Cartilage is present in epiglottis and pinna?

a) Elastic.        b) Fibrous.         c) Hyaline

3: Example of hinge joint is,

a) Hip joint.       b) knee joint.     c) skull bones

4: Which disease is cured by vaccine?

a) Aids.               b) Cancer.         c) Hepatitis

5: Which is obtained from bacteria?

a) Streptomycin.   b) Penicillin.   c) Aspirin

Q2: Answer the following questions.

1: Differentiate between bacteriocidal and bacteriostatic.

2: Describe mode of action of vaccine .

3: Evaluate the role of skeleton in support and movement.

4: Enlist different types of cartilage.

5: How flexors and extensors are different from each other.

Q3: Write detailed answer.

1: Write a detailed note on axial and appendicular skeleton.

Choose the correct answer

1: The process in which the inherited from one generation to another generation is called.

a) Respiration.        b) Reproduction.         c) Digestion

2: In flower stigma, style and ovary is called

a) Stamen.               b) Carpel.                     c) Sepal

3: Pollination is trafer of pollen grains from.

a) Anther to Stigma.  b) Sepal to Petal.     c) Stigma to Anther

4: From which part of Embryo root is formed

a) Plumule.                 b) Redicle.                 c) Epicotyle

5: The outermost Whorl of flower is ,

a) Calyx.                     b) Corolla.                  c) Androcium

Q2: Answer the following Questions

1: Differentiate between self pollination and cross pollination.

2: Define and give an example of parthenogenesis

3: Write the functions of hilum and micropyle.

4: Discuss the female reproductive system in plants in detail.

5: Write down the advantages of vegetative propagation .

Q3: Write the answer in detail.

1: Write in detail the reproductive system in Rabbit.

Choose the correct answer.

1: Gene consist of which of the following?

a) RNA.              b) DNA.              c) Neucleotide

2: Structure of DNA was proposed by,

a) Watson.         b) Crick.              c) Both

3: Which of the following is an example of co-dominance?

a) Blood group.    b)4′ O Clock.     c) None

4: Mendel chose which plant for experimentation?

a) Grape.               b) pea.               c) tomato

5: Which one is dominant?

a) RR.                    b) rr.                   c) Rr

Answer the following questions.

1: Explain incomplete dominance.

2: State why Mendel selected pisium sativa for the experiment?

3: Draw a test cross between Rr and Rr .

4: What is artificial selection?

5: Differentiate between allele and gene, monohybrid and dihybrid, phenotype and genotype.

Q: Write a detailed note on law of independant assortment also draw the test cross. 

Choose the correct answer

1: Group of species is called?

a) Population.           b) Community.        c) Ecosystem

2: Biotic and abiotic components both form

a)Ecosystem.            b) Community.        c)Population

3: Energy source is ,

a) Producer.               b) Consumer.         c) Decomposer

4: Producers includes which of the following?

a) Autotrophs.           b) Heterotrophs.     c) Xerotrophs

5: The last step in nitrogen cycle is,

a)Nitrification.           b) ammonification.  c) Assimilation

Answer the following questions.

1: Explain the 3R rule.

2: Differentiate between food chain and food web .

3: Draw an ecological pyramid of energy flow.

4: Write 3 effects of deforestation.

5: Give 2 examples of symbiotic relationship.

Q3: Write a note on acid rain. Explain the causes and affects of ozone layer depletion.

Choose the correct answer

1: The products of fermentation by yeast are?

a) Carbondioxide.           b) alcohol and CO2.        c) alcohol,CO2 and energy

2: Products of fermentatiob by bacteria is,

a)Citric acid.                 b) Lactic acid             c) acetic acid

3: A bacterium is considered genetically modified when it has,

a) foreign gene.               b) genome.         c) restriction endonucleases

4: Interferons are special proteins produced by human cells that,

a) Cure thalassemia        b) Dissolve blood clots.     c) limit spread of viral infections

5: The first step in genetic engineering is,

a)Insertion of gene           b) Isolation of gene.       c) transfer of gene

Answer the following questions.

1: Write 3 examples of foods that are made with the help of microbes.

2: How do bubbles of carbondioxide gas help to make bread?

3: Explain why 40 degrees is the best temperature to use.

4: How genetic engineering improved the quality of agricultural yeild?

5: How vector is selected?

Q3: What is single cell protein? Write its importance and significance as animal and human being.

These guess papers are available in both English and Urdu mediums, so you can choose the one that suits your language preference. Additionally, you can also find biology model papers for the 10th class on various educational websites and forums. These model papers are designed to give you an idea of the type of questions that may be asked in the actual exam. They are a great resource for practicing and improving your understanding of the subject. It is important to note that while guess papers and model papers can be helpful in preparing for exams, they should not be relied upon solely. It is essential to thoroughly study the textbook and understand the concepts to perform well in the exams. In conclusion, if you are a 10th class student looking for biology guess papers and model papers, Ilmge and educational websites are the best places to find them. Make sure to use these resources as supplementary study material and focus on understanding the concepts for better results in your exams

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