Class 11th Guess Biology All Punjab Boards. If you want 1st Year Biology guess Papers 2024 then you have come to a good place here you will get all most repeated questions of past paper and all guess Papers here. But the first year biology will be given to all those students of class 11 who are giving the paper now within 2024 so there is Biology guess papers for all students for them by preparing this guess you will get very good marks in your board exam 2024 . You can get more on our website all first year gas paper available here you can visit our website to download all board 11th gas paper

Students gear up

for their 1st Year Biology exams, the anticipation and anxiety are palpable. In the pursuit of academic success, many seek guidance through ” Biology guess papers” that claim to predict exam content. In this blog, we will explore the concept of 11th Class Biology guess papers, their utility, and the importance of a holistic approach to exam preparation.

Understanding Guess Papers

Biology Guess papers are often marketed as tools to predict the questions that might appear in exams 2024. While they can provide a general idea of the possible topics, it is crucial to approach them with caution. Relying solely on guess papers may lead to neglecting essential chapters or concepts that might be equally important in the exam.

Most Repated Short Questions

  1. What is biome? (2014)
  2. What is hydroponic culture technique? (2014)
  3. Differentiate between deductive and inductive reasoning. (20(2014)+(2016)+(2017))
  4. Differentiate between micro and macromolecules? (20(2014)+(2018))
  5. What is biome? (2014)
  6. Write the name of four eras of geological times. (2016)
  7. What is pylatic lineage? (2016)+(2017))
  8. Define theory. Give important features of a god theory. (2015)
  9. Define population, give its one example. (2015)
  10. What is deductive reasoning? Give one example. (2015)
  11. Define parasitology. (2016)
  12. Differentiate between anatomy and morphology. (2017)
  13. Define ecosystem with an example. (2018)
  14. Differentiate between gene therapy and chemotherapy. (2018)

Chapter 2 Short Questions

1- What is glycosidic bond?(2016)
2- What is peptide bond?(2014)
3- Write the general formula of amino acid.(2014)
4- What is heat capacity of water? Give its importance.(2016)
5- Sketch the structure of ribofuranose and glucopyranose.(2015)+(2018)
6- Give difference between saturated and un saturated fatty acids.(2015)
7- Show peptide bond between two amino acids.(2017)
8- What did F.Sanger conclude about insulin?(2017)
9- What are biomolecules? Give two examples.(2017)
10- Define heat of vaporization of water.(2018)
1st year biology guess papers

Chapter 3 Short Questions

1- Define prosthetic group and give example.(2016)
2- What is induce fit model?(2016)
3- Define inhibitors and give an example.(2016)
4- Differentite between apoenzyme and holoenzyme.(2014)+(2016)
5- What is co-factor? Give its types.(2014)+(2016)
6- What is irreversible inhibitor?(2014)
7- Why enzymes are denatured at high temperature?(2016)+(2017)
8- Define active site of enzyme.(2014)
9- What do you know about lock and key model?(2014)+(2015)
10- Differentiate between irreversible and reversible inhibitors?(2014)
11- Define enzyme inhibitors. Give its two types.(2015)+(2016)
12- What is induce fit model of enzyme reaction.(2015)+(2017)
13- Give difference between prosthetic group and activator.(2015)
1st year biology guess
14- What is optimum pH? Give one example.(2015)
1st year biology guess

15-Define prosthatic group and apoenzyme. (2017)

16-Differentiate between competitive and non-competitive inhibitors. (2017)+(2018)

17- Differentiate between prosthetic group and co-enzyme.(2018)
18- Diiferentiate between substate and active site of an enzyme.(2018)
19- Define feedback mechanism of enzyme with diagram.(2018)
20- What is effect of change in pH on working of enzymes?(2018)
21- What is meant by optimum temperature? Give an example.(2018)
Chapter 4 Short Questions
1- What is cisternae?(2014)
2- Write down salient features of cell theory.(2014)
3- What is endosytosis?(2016)
4- Write role of glyoxysomes.(2016)
5- What is glycogenosis type ll disease?(2014)
6- Give the name of Robert Hook publication on cell discovery.(2016)
1st year biology guess

7- What is endocytosis? Differentiate betwenn phagocytosis and pinocytosis. (2016)

8- Define differentially permeable membrane.(2014)
9- What are storage diseases? Give an example.(2015)
10- Give the important functions of cytoplasm.(2015)
11- What are peroxisomes?(2015)
12- What is chromoplast? Give its functions.(2015)
13- Give the chemical composition of primary and secondary cell wall.(2017)
14- What are microfilaments? Give their functions.(2017)
15- Define fluid mosaic model of cell membrane.(2017)
16- Write down two functions of golgi apparatus.(2017)
17- Give the function of endoplasmic reticulum.(2018)
18- Define autophagosome.(2018)
19- What is resolution of human eye and electron microscope?(2018)
1st year biology guess

Chapter 5 Short Questions

1- Write down four characteristics of viruses. (2014) 2- What are pocks? (2016)

3- Write four names of viral diseases common in human beings. (2016) 4- What are symptoms of small pox? (2014)

  • Sketch and label diagram of bacteriophage. (2015)
  • Define species and virology. (2015)
  • What are prions? (2017)
  • Define binomial nomenclature. Give an example. (2017)
  • Differentiate between procariotique and eucariotique. (2017)
  • Write down five postulates of germ theory of disease by Robert Koch. (2018) 11- Write down biological classification of corn. (2018)

Chapter 6 Short Questions

1- Differentiate between gram positive and gram negative bacteria.(2014)
2- Write down misuses of antibiotics.(2016)
3- What are pilli? Give their functions.(2016)
4- Differentiate between streptococcus and staphylococcus bacteria.(2014)
5- What is periplasmic space? In which bacteria is it present?(2015)
6- Name three general shapes of bacteria and explain only one.(2015)
7- Differentiate between tetrad and sarcina.(2017)
8- Differentiate between lophotrichous and amphitrichous.(2017)
9- Differentiate between amphitrichous and peritrichous bacteria.(2018)

Chapter 7 Short


1- Give two examples of chlorophyta.(2014)
2- Name the body size and locomotory organs of zooflagellates.(2016)
3- What is sleeping sickness?(2016)
  1. What are actinopods? (2016)
  2. What are kelps?   (2016)
  3. Write down functions and micro and macro nuceli in ciliates. (2014)
  4. Write down four characteristics and green algae similar to plans. (2014)
  5. Write down two diffenreces between fungi and oomycotes. (2014)
  6. What are choanoflagellates? (2014)+(2015)+(2017)
  7. What are protists? How are they different from animals and plants? (2016)
11- What are trichonymphas?(2016)
12- Why phytophthora infestance is infamous in human history?(2016)
13- What are red tides?(2015)+(2018)
14- How algae differ from plants?(2015)+(2017)
15- What are apicomplexans? Give one example.(2015)
16- Write down two characteristics of ciliates.(2015)+(2018)
17- What are diatoms?(2015)+(2018)
18- How ciliates are different from other protozoans?(2017)
19- Write down two characteristics of apicomplexans.(2017)
20- What do you know about giant amoeba?(2017)
21- What is chlorella? Give its importance.(2017)
22- Write down two characteristic of dinoflagellates.(2017)
23- Write four important features of algae.(2018)
24- Write down importance of algae.(2018)
25- Write down evolutionary significance of euglenoids.(2018)
26- How do flagellates get food?(2018)
27- Write down ecological role of dinoflagellates.     Chapter 8 Short Questions(2018)
1- Enlist four plant diseases caused by fugi.(2014)
2- Differentiate between obligate and facultative parasite.(2016)+(2015)+(2018)
3- Name the type and hyphae and sexual spores in sac fungi.(2016)
4- Write down two similarities between plans and fungi.(2014)
5- What are carnivorous fugi?(2014)
6- Write four important points of algae.(2014)
7- Differentiate between fungus like protists and fugi.(2014)
8- What is histoplasmosis?(2014)+(2017)
9- Why rust and smut are called so?(2014)
10- What is nucear mitosis?(2016)
11- What are lichens? Write abour their ecological role.(2015)
12- Define lichens. Give its significance.(2015)
13- Differentiate between plasmogamy and karyogamy.(2015)+(2017)
14- What are sepatate and non-septate hyphae?(2015)+(2017)
15- What do you know about budding and parasexuality?(2015)
16- What are conidia and spores?(2017)
17- What is meant by parasexuality? Give its importance.(2018)
18- Differentiate between conidiophores and coenocytic hypha.(2018)
19- Differentiate between ascus and basidium.(2018)
20- What are toad stools? Give example.(2018)

Chapter 9 Short Questions

  1. Differentiate between ovule and seed. (2014)
    1. Why bryophytes are called amphibious plants? (2014)+(2015) 3- Differentiate between microphyll and megaphyll. (2016)

4- Define double fertilization.   (2015)+(2016)+(2017)

5- Write down two steps involved in evolution of seed.(2014)
6- Describe adaptation of bryophytes to land habitat.(2014)
7-     Write two advanced characteristics of anthoceropsida sporophyte.(2016)
8- What are gymnosperms? Give an example.(2016)
9- Give common name of adiantum.(2015)
10- Differentiate between bryophytes and tracheophytes.(2017)
11- Define cercinate vernation.(2017)+(2018)
12- Define ovule and embryo sac.(2017)
13- What are fronds?(2018)
14- Write botanical name of two plants belong to family solanaceae.(2018)
15- Differentiate between microgametophyte and megagametophyte.(2018)

Chapter 10

Short Questions

  1. What is metamorphosis? (2014)+(2017)
  2. Write two adaptation in organism that live in aquatic environment. (2014) 3- What is hermaphrodite organism? (2014)
  3. What is polymorphism? (2014)
  4. Write basic characteristics of chordates, give example. (2016) 6- What are corel reefs? (2016)

7- Define swim bladder. Give its functions. (2014) 8- What is regeneration? Give example. (2016)

  • How sponges reproduce asexually? (2016)
  • What are diploblastic animals? (2014) 11- Define placenta. Write its functions. (2014)

12- Write the two differences between protostomes and deuterostomes. (2015)+(2016)

13- What is polymorphism? Give one example.(2015)
14- Name four harmful effects of insects.(2016)
15- Give three basic characteristics of phylum chordate.(2016)+(2017)
16- What is polymorphism? Give example.(2015)+(2016)
17- Differentate between sac like and tube like digestive system.(2015)
18- What are cnidocyst?(2015)
19- What is metamorphosis?(2015)
20- Give two characteristics of deuterostomes.(2015)
21- Name two hemichordates.(2015)
22- Differentiate between radial and bilateral symmetry.(2015)+(2017)
23- Differentiate between parazoa and eumetazoa.(2017)
24- What are archaeopteryx?give its two characteristics.(2017)
25- Give two examples of sponges.(2017)
26- Differentiate between polyps and medusases.(2017)
27- What is meristematic segmentation?In which phylum is it present?(2017)
28- Differentiate between oligochaeta and poly chaeta.(2018)
29- What is meant by arachnida, give its two features?(2018)
30- Differentiate between gastropods and cephalopods.(2018)
31- What is regeneration, give its importance.(2018)
32- Differentiate between coelomates and acoelomates.(2018)
33- Differentiate between diploblastic and triploblastic organism.(2018)
34- Write down affinities of echinoderm with hemichordates.     Chapter 11   Short Questions(2018)
1- Give the importance of ATP.(2014)
2- Define the term Bioenergetics.(2014)
3- What is glycolysis? Where it takes place in cell?(2016)
4- How action spectra can be obtained?(2016)
5- What is cellular respiration?(2016)
6- What is payoff phase of glycolysis?(2016)
7- How does carbon dioxide absorb by cell wall of mesophyll cells?(2016)

8- Define photosynthesis with equation.   (2014)+(2015)+(2017)

9- What do you mean by action spectrum.(2014)
10- What are accessory pigments? Give their one importance.(2015)
11- What is fermentation? Give its two types.(2015)
12- Differentiate between antenna complex and reaction center.(2017)
13- Give the function spectrophotometer.(2017)
14- Define glycolysis. Where does it take place?(2017)
15- Write the photolysis of water in photosynthesis.(2018)
16- What is Z-scheme of photosynthesis?(2018)

17-      Differentiate between photophosphorylation and oxidative photophosphorylation. (2018) 18-           Define alcoholic fermentation. Write its equation.           (2018)

Chapter 12 Short Questions

1- Give two functions of human liver.(2014)
2- What are fluid feeders?(2014)
3- Differentiate between diarrhea and constipation.(2014)
4- Name three pairs of salivary glands in humans.(2016)
5- What is detritus feeding? Give example.(2016)+(2015)

6- Write down symptoms in plants caused by deficiency of phosphorous and potassium. (2016) 7- What are functions of secretin?                 (2014)

  • Define fluid feeders. (2014)
  • Write down deficiency symptoms of potassium and magnesium in plants. (2014) 10- What is food poisoning? Give its symptoms. (2016)
  • Give the composition of salive. (2016)
  • What is cholorosis? Name two elements. (2015) 13- Whose deficiency cause chlorosis? (2015)
  • What is filter feeding? (2015)
  • What are insectivorous plants? How they get their carbohydrates? (2015)
Names the hormones secreted by digestive system of human.Differentiate between pepsin and pepsinogen.(2015)
18- How trypsinogen is activated?(2017)
19- What is dyspepsia? Give its characteristics.(2017)
20- Differentiate between appendix and appendicitis.(2017)
21- How diarrhea and constipation is caused?(2017)
Differentiate between ingestion and egestion.What is heart burn or pyrosis?(2017)
24- What is myoglobin? Give its importance.(2017)
25- Write the role of human pancreas in digestion.(2018)
26- What are piles?(2018)
27- How Sundew (Drosera) shows its insectivorous activity?(2018)
28- Differentiate between extracellular and intracellular digestion.(2018)
29- Enlist the enzymes of digestive juice of pancrease with their function.(2018)

Chapter 13 Short Questions

  1. What is emphysema? (2016)
  2. 2- Write two properties of respiratory surfaces. (2014)
  3. How pH and temperature effect the capacity of heamoglobin to combine with oxygen. (2014)
What is inspiration? (2016)What is respiratory distress syndrome? (2016)+(2015)+(2017) 
6- What are blue babies?(2014)
7- What is diving reflex?(2014)+(2017)+(2018)
8- What is lungs cancer?(2014)
9- Why oxygen can be easily obtained from air as compared to water?(2014)
10- How does respiration take place in earthworm?(2016)
11- What are alveoli? Give their dunctions.(2016)
12- Give the composition of breath air in humans.(2016)
13- Give two properties of respiratory surfaces in animals.(2016)
14- What is photorespiration?(2015)
15- Differentiate between pulmonary and cutaneous respiration.(2015)
16- What are parabronchi?(2015)
17- What is rubisco? Give its functions.(2015)
18- How exhalation and inhalation do occur in cockroach?(2015)
19- What are alveoli? Give their function.(2015)
20- Define respiratory surface. Give its properties.(2015)
21- What are spiracles? Give their functions.(2017)
Enlist type of respiration in frog.How air is belter medium for respiration than water.(2017)
24- What is asthma? Give its cause.(2017)
25- Write different ways of respiration in frog.(2018)
26- What is larynx or voice box?(2018)
27- What is diaphragm? In which group of animals it is found?(2018)
28- What is rate of breathing at rest and exercise?(2018)
29- Differentiate between bronchi and bronshioles. Chapter 14 Short Questions(2018)
1- What is guttation?(2014)
2- Define immunity.(2014)
3- Differentiate between active and passive immunity.(2014)
4- Differentiate between plasmolysis and deplasmolysis.(2016)+(2017)
5- What is single circuit heart? Give an example.(2016)
6- Differentiate between apoplast and symplast pathway.(2016)
7- What is pressure potential?(2015)
8- What are blue babies?(2015)+(2016)+(2017)
9- What is pressure flow theory? Who proposed it?(2015)
10- Differentiate between single and double circuit heart.(2015)
11- What is humoral immune response.(2017)
12- Differentiate between thrombus and embolus.(2017)
13- Describe CO2 concentration in artery and venous blood.(2017)+(2018)
14- What is imbibition?(2018)
  1. What is honey dew? Give its composition. (2018)
  2. What are factors affecting capacity of hemoglobin to combine with oxygen. (2018) 17- What do you know about bleeding in plants? (2018)

18- What is cell-mediated and humoral immune response?                              (2018)

Nature of Exams:

All Punjab board continually update syllabi and question patterns . Therefore, it’s challenging to accurately predict the specific questions that will appear in an exam.

1st year biology guess

Effective Exam Preparation Strategies:

  • Thorough Syllabus Coverage:

Start by thoroughly understanding the syllabus of 1st year Biology . Make a study plan that covers all important chapters, giving more time to most repated topics .

  • Conceptual Clarity:

1st Year Biology guess papers demands a deep understanding of concepts of important 1st Year Biology Long Question and Short Question.

  • Practice Regularly:

Regular practice with guess papers and previous year question papers can help you familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and Biology importantQuestion.

  • Use of Additional Resources:

Supplement your textbook with reference materials, online resources, otherwise best guess papers of Biology class 11th.

  • Revision is Key:

Allocate time for regular revisions of 1st year Biology guess papers to reinforce your understanding of key concepts. Conclusion:ہمارے ان گیس پیپر سے کافی تیار کر کے کافی بچے اچھے نمبر حاصل کر چکے ہیں انشاءاللہ اپ بھی ہمارے اس گیس پیپر سے تیاری کر کے بورڈ کے اندر بہت سے اچھے نمبر حاصل کریں گے اور ہمیں اپنی دعاؤں میں یاد رکھیں گے

All these questions are answered in this article

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i am a professional blogger and Teacher of high level School and College

2 thought on “1st year Biology Guess Paper 2024”
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